Lead Artist of ETRURIArtist’s

Robert Etruscan is lead artist of ETRURIArtist’s, who celebrate the co-incidence through three era’s of History of innovative creativity, that is associated with Etruria.

  1. The ancient Etruscans who founded the City of Rome and initiated many civilising ideas for example, Cloaca Massima, which is in use in modern time.
  2. The seventeenth century Etruria of Josiah Wedgwood, who was one of the Lunar society that inspired the Industrial Revolution.
  3. In the twenty first Century Etruria Staffordshire is prominent in creative original thinking and the digital economy.

When ETRURIArtist’s became formally organised in 2005 we held our First exhibition in the Etruria Methodist Chapel. Because of our concerts, talks, away days and hands on activities we have continued to involve the public with creativity.

To further emphasise the connection of original thinking with the name and concept of Etruria, Robert Etruscan has designed TOTR tea sets. In particular the 3D printed visually attractive version shows significant design merit.

Theme of Three Tea set